And Justice for Some feat. Cam Zorrozua & Virla Spencer

And Justice for Some feat. Cam Zorrozua & Virla Spencer

This week on the pod we talk to Virla Spencer and Camerina Zorrozua of The Way to Justice, a newish non-profit that helps people get their lives back after run ins with the criminal legal system.

Cam works primarily in post-conviction relief — helping people who have been locked up — while Virla runs the re-licensing program, helping poor folks who have lost their drivers license due to an inability to pay fines or other reasons to create a path back to just having the basic mobility most of us take for granted.

These two are larger than life personalities separately. Together they’re pretty close to a force of nature.

If you like what you hear, you can support their work at www.thewaytojustice.com

Further Study

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